As the month of November continues on, Thanksgiving dinner tends to come to mind. On the most wonderful thursday of the month, folks gather around the feast that has been toiled over for many hours only to be gobbled up(no pun intended) in only a few minutes. Some have the tradition of going around the table one at a time, each loved one giving a heart-felt "I'm thankful for."
But, what does it mean to be thankful? Do we fully understand the concept of thankfulness? According to Webster's thesaurus, thankfulness equals gratitude, gratefulness, appreciation, and indebtedness.
So, how do we take those words, "I'm thankful for" and and turn them into actions? Simply put, by living for Him, the One who gave us the reason to be thankful; showing that gratitude, appreciation, and most assuredly, indebtedness to and for Him and his love in everything we think, say and do.
"For the Lord is good; His steadfast love endures forever..." For that, I am truly thankful.