I found the following remedies from htttp://www.hillbillyhousewife.com (this is NOT my website, based on the title, as some may think). As always, use these remedies at your own risk as they are not to be considered as medical advise.
For a/an:
Headache - As a soon as you start to feel a headache coming on, drink a big glass of cool water. Headaches are often a sign of dehydration in which case the liquid will help better than aspirin. If you don't catch it in time or the water did not help, try wetting a cloth and adding a few drops of mint oil to it. Lay the cool, wet cloth over your forehead, close your eyes and relax for a few minutes (I have used peppermint oil and it really works!).
Cough - Heat some milk and stir a spoon full of honey in it and sip slowly. Right before bed, when coughing usually gets worse, you may want to take a spoon full of honey. It will coat the throat and stop the cough (don't give raw honey to a child under the age of 2).
Also, you can rub Vick's or other vapor rub on the bottom of your feet and and put on a pair of socks to stop a cough within 15 minutes (tried and true for me).
As another option, you can place a cold, wet washcloth on your throat and then cover with a dry towel.
Cold - Take the juice of a lemon and mix it with a cup of hot water and honey to taste. The honey will sooth the throat, the steam will help the sinuses feel better, and the Vitamin C will help your immune system.
Sore Throat - Gargle with either garlic tea (press up to 6 leaves into some very warm water) or sage tea (steep sage leaves in boiling water for a few minutes).
Drink some hot milk with honey.
Ear ache - Chop up a piece of onion, wrap it in some cheese cloth or a thin kitchen towel and place it on the ear
Insect Bite - Get a solid deodorant stick and rub it on the bite.
Chew on some parsley and put it on the bite,
Poison Ivy/Oak Rash -Rub the rind of a watermelon on the rash.
Nausea - Drink some warm peppermint tea, eat some licorice, or eat some ginger.